New Hiking Adventure: Vernon Hills Memorial Arbortheater - PROOZY

New Hiking Adventure: Vernon Hills Memorial Arbortheater

Does anyone else feel like this summer is just flying by?!

I looked at my calendar the other day and it made me sad. We only checked off 2 summer bucket list items. T W O! This never happens and we only have 23 days of summer break left.I knew we wanted to scale back a little bit but I think we took this scaling back thing way too far this summer. So to make up for lost time, I had to fill up the remaining 3 weeks with as much fun as possible or else I will be kicking myself later.

Vernon Hills Memorial Arbortheater

Vernon Hills Memorial Arbortheater is a public park that has musical entertainment events throughout the summer. It is located at 50 S. Fairway Drive, just north of the Vernon Hills Athletic Complex. The Arbortheater is rich with nature, scenic walking/ biking trails and waterfalls. I read somewhere that this place had 7 waterfalls so naturally I had to see it for myself.

While we did come across waterfalls we did not find seven. We were only able to find 3 and they were all pretty small. So I think we must have missed a trail and unfortunately passed up a few of them. But it was such a hot and humid day that I wasn’t going to risk our health to find the rest. Besides what we did see, was beautiful enough and we had a great couple of hours as a family!

We will be back.

Possibly in the fall and maybe even on a weekday for one of their concerts in the park. If this is something you like to do, please visit their website for more info:


Also, make sure to stop by this beautiful park as it is one of coolest kids parks we have seen in a while. Kids Castle at Deer Path Park.

“While the Arbortheater is a beautiful structure, a great place to meet family and friends, one of the main purposes of the Arbortheater is to honor the Veterans who served this great nation throughout its history. These men and women made many personal, emotional, physical and mental sacrifices to protect the freedoms, rights and privileges the citizens of this country enjoy today.”

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